Daria Jones EBF Mastery Journal


Reflecting on My Journey in the Entertainment Business Finance

My personal and professional growth in the entertainment industry has been an exhilarating journey filled with numerous learning experiences and insights. One of the pivotal moments in this journey has been my recent completion of the Entertainment Business Finance (EBF) course. Reflecting on my original Mastery: Personal Development and Leadership (PDL) timeline goal for this course, I am amazed at how much this course has influenced my approach to managing my entertainment business.

Short-Term Goals: Mastering Time Management, Embracing "No," and Writing a Business Blueprint

Before taking this course, my short-term goals focused on mastering time management, saying "no" when necessary, and drafting a comprehensive business blueprint. The EBF course gave me the tools and knowledge to achieve these goals effectively. I now better understand allocating my time and resources efficiently through understanding financial statements, budgeting, and forecasting. The concept of opportunity cost, which involves evaluating the return on the best option not chosen versus the return on the option selected, has been particularly enlightening. This course has helped me make more informed choices about the projects I wish to pursue and which to decline, ensuring that I stay aligned with my business goals and priorities.

Strategies: Practice, Intentionality, and Utilizing Necessary Tools

Throughout the course, I have learned the importance of being intentional and utilizing the necessary tools to achieve my goals. I have managed my time more effectively by setting realistic deadlines, prioritizing tasks, and establishing clear boundaries. The EBF course has reinforced the importance of these strategies by showing me how financial planning and management can support and enhance my overall business operations.

Long-Term Goals: Longevity and Diversifying My Portfolio

One of the most significant impacts of the EBF course has been on my long-term goals of achieving longevity and diversifying my portfolio. Learning about financial structures, investment opportunities, and risk management has opened my eyes to new possibilities for growth and sustainability in the entertainment industry. I understand the importance of building a solid financial foundation for my business, enabling me to pursue diverse opportunities and establish a lasting presence in the industry.

Strategies: Building Strong Networks and Seeking Collaborations

The course emphasized the value of strong networks and professional learning communities, such as AFTRA or ASCAP, in achieving long-term success. Actively seeking collaborations and partnerships aligned with my goals has become an essential strategy for my business. By leveraging these networks and continually seeking professional development opportunities, I am better equipped to navigate the challenges of the entertainment industry.

Analyzing My Path: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT)

The EBF course has also provided me with the tools to analyze my path through a SWOT analysis, allowing me to identify my strengths, address my weaknesses, seize opportunities, and mitigate threats. This strategic approach has given me greater clarity and confidence in my ability to succeed in the entertainment industry.

The Entertainment Business Finance course has been a transformative experience for me. It has met my original objectives by equipping me with the knowledge and skills to manage my business finances better. The insights gained from this course have influenced my short-term and long-term goals and provided me with a foundation for future growth and success in the entertainment industry. As I move forward, I am excited to apply what I have learned, confident that I am on the right path to achieving my personal and professional aspirations.


Jill Scott Said…
